How do we keep Sherwood a sustainable community?

  • Sherwood  is a reasonable sustainable community. It has efficient local amenities, people are happy to live there because of the good transport links and it is near the city center  However, Sherwood lacks enough green spaces, it has also raised concerns  to the environment  due to the congestion of  cars and buses which creates a high level of pollution. For this to improve it could try to use Eco cars and buses to be environmental friendly. Furthermore, Sherwood lacks enough employment opportunities, in order to increase the level of sustainability, it needs more variety of employment as Sherwood currently rely mainly on public sector jobs. 

  • Economy- Sherwood is sustainable due to having a number of businesses, a thriving place for enterprise, housing market is going strong and public sector jobs  contributes the economy for this reason Sherwood  scores 3.5 out of 5.
  • Environment-Sherwood has a massive open green space which provides clean air. However, Sherwood lacks  enough green spaces and there is concerns for pollution in Sherwood due to congestion of cars and public transport, for this reason Sherwood scores 3 out of 5.

  • Social- Sherwood is predominantly white middle class population which does not offer much to the minorities. However there are few minority group such as Muslims, Buddhists and people  from other  background who are not well represented in the sense of having places to worship or having representative members of parliament. Therefore  these groups will have to go to the nearest places for worship or meeting a wider diverse activities to meet their  needs. However, Sherwood offer a number of social activities within the community which brings people together and increase the  the sense of being inclusive and community bond. such as in the Sherwood community center has an excellent variety of activities for different age groups, for this reason, Sherwood scores 4 out of 5.

  • There are some similarities on the level of sustainability in Sherwood  when  compared to West Bridgeford . West Bridgeford and Sherwood are reasonable sustainable communities. Such as, West Bridgeford is predominantly white population, good transport links, excellent recycling facilities, better community involvement, attractive because of green space better quality housing estates and housing association, however,it lacks a range of diverse people living there and it has an expensive housing prices,  therefore people will live in West Bridgeford if they can afford.
  • Although this is a criticism within the parameters of the assessment, it is important to note that this does not mean people of different cultures and religions are not welcome or happy living in Sherwood could be argued that there is barrier  for accepting diversity in the town.
  • It is the author's  opinion that  since Sherwood is predominantly white middle class and some of Affluent people living in there, it requires to open the room for diverse which will also increase the level of sustainability in Sherwood. Such as, wider variety of places to worship, a better inclusive community to encourage other people from diverse background to feel more welcome.

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